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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2021-11-24 tits: 235 times

on november 22, 2021, the european union issued the reach amendment regulation (eu) 2021/2030 in the official gazette, which mainly added the restriction on n, n-dimethylformamide as entry 76. this regulation will come into force on the 20th day from the published day. the regulation is directly applicable to all member states of the european union. previously, the european commission submitted a notification, that aimed to restrict the use of n, n-dimethylformamide as a substance or in a mixture in annex xvii of the reach regulation, to the wto on september 23, 2020.

the following entry is added:

*dnels:the level of chemical exposure above which humans should not be exposed based on the classification and label of substances .

main application of n,n-dimethylformamide:

n,n-dimethylformamide(dmf or dmfa) is a widely used solvent and chemical raw material. it is mainly used as follows:

1. as dye solvent,

2. as slurry of polyurethane, polyacrylonitrile and polyvinyl chloride,

3. as paint remover,

4. in plastic film,

5. as solvent of polyurethane resin in artificial leather production,

6. as solvent in wet spinning of synthetic fibers such as polyacrylonitrile fiber,

7. in synthesize high efficiency and low toxicity pesticides,

8. in the synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates,

9. in quenching of tinned parts and cleaning of circuit board, etc.

high concerned materials / products:

materials mainly involve polyurethane materials (such as foam sponge, polyurethane plastic, polyurethane coating, etc.), synthetic leather, synthetic fiber and paper materials (containing polyurethane coating or polyurethane membranes); focused products including footwear products, textiles, polyurethane coated paper products, toys (squeeze toys), pesticides, etc.

ctt recommends:

with the increasing requirements of the international community on the restriction of hazardous chemicals, enterprises are facing more and more control requirements. enterprises exporting to europe should improve risk awareness and respond in advance. ctt will continue to pay attention to the reach regulation and deliver the latest information to you.

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