recently, japanese ministry of health, labour and welfare (mhlw) issued a notice to enhance the regulation of the use of phthalates under the food sanitation law. in the future all plasticized materials in designated toys and child care articles will be in scope. the number of phthalates which are restricted increased from two to six. substances in the new scope are di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (dehp), dibutylphthalate (dbp), benzylbutylphtalate (bbp), di-isononyl'phthalate (dinp), di-isodecyl'phthalate (didp), and di-n-octylphthalate (dnop).
this new requirement is applicable from the date of announcement with a one year transition period. manufactured or imported goods must refer to the new requirement on september 6th, 2011.
designated toys that will be covered by article 78 of the regulation of the food sanitation law:
the revised requirements are as follows:
dbp, dehp or bbp shall not be contained at concentrations of greater than 0.1% by mass of the plasticized material in toys.
didp, dinp or dnop shall not be contained at concentrations of greater than 0.1% by mass of the plasticized material in toys as specified in article 78, paragraph 1 of the regulation of the food sanitation law (this requirement applies only to their parts that are intended to be placed in the mouth).
dinp shall not be used as toy materials which major component is pvc-based resin (except the parts that are intended to come in contact with infant’s mouth, as defined in 2) as specified in article 78, paragraph 1 of the enforcement regulations of the food sanitation law.