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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2020-03-19 tits: 582 times

on march 5, 2020, the official journal of the european union (oj) issued (eu) 2020/360, (eu) 2020/361, (eu) 2020/364, (eu) 2020/365, (eu) 2020/366. the directives to amend articles 9, 9 (a) -i, 9 (a) -ii, 41 in annex iii of the rohs directive and articles 37 and 41 exemptions in annex iv, and add to article 44 exemptions in annex iv. this amendment mainly focuses on the use of hexavalent chromium and lead in some exempt materials and gives new exemption periods according to the subdivided categories.the article 44 exemptions exempt cadmium from some radiation-resistant camera tubes.

the five directives will take effect on the 20th day (i.e. march 25, 2020) after the publication of the official journal of the european union. the requirements of the updated clauses will be implemented from april 1, 2021. the article 44 exemptions in annex iv will come into effect on september 1, 2020.

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