the governor of the state of new york signed assembly bill a6041 (s4046) into law on december 16, 2019. the new law requires a warning statement if the lead content exceeds 40mg/kg in children's jewelry in addition of complying with cpsia. it will become effective on january 1, 2021.
the new law contains several important provisions:
1. definition for children: under the age of 12.
2. definition for jewelry: jewelry means any of the following ornaments worn by a person:
(1) ankle bracelet, arm cuff, bracelet, brooch, chain, crown, cuff link, hair accessory, earring, necklace, decorative pin, ring, body piercing jewelry, jewelry placed in the mouth for display or ornament.
(2) a charm, bead, chain, link, pendant, or other component in point 1 above.
(3) a charm, bead, chain, link, pendant, or other attachment to shoes or clothing that can be removed and may be used as a component of an ornament in point 1 above.
(4) a watch in which a timepiece is a component of an ornament in point 1 above, excluding the timepiece itself if the timepiece can be removed from the ornament
3. definition for children's jewelry: jewelry that is made for, marketed for use by, or marketed to children that under the age of 12.
4. the requirements:
5. penalties
warm reminder:
in addition to new york state (ab a6041), which sets label requirement for children's jewelry containing lead, illinois enacted the lppa act earlier. lppa requires warning labels for children's products containing more than 40mg/kg lead (including children's jewelry). for more details, please feel free to contact ctt.
the website of ab a6041(s4046) :