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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2010-09-16 tits: 8896 times
according to echa, 30 november 2010 is the deadline for the registration of the most widely used or most dangerous chemicals. by then, companies which do not complete the registration of these types of substances will be subject to tremendous legal risk if continuing exporting to the eu market.
as of 10 september about 4000 dossiers have been submitted to the echa, a huge gap for the total number of files from the echa 25000-38000 copies (4400 substances). lead registrants are encouraged to register by 30 september. in addition, the registration process does not only affect the chemicals industry, but also operators who do not directly belong to the chemicals sector, such as metal or textile producers.
users of chemicals depend on the availability of substances on the market and on timely registration. what is more, following registration, they must comply with the improved safety recommendations made by their suppliers, or in certain cases make their own risk assessments for their specific uses.
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