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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2019-11-20 tits: 520 times

on 5 november 2019, the official journal of the european union has published commission delegated directives (eu) 2019/1845 and (eu) 2019/1846 to amend exemptions in annex iii, these exemption extension concern the use of dehp in certain rubber components used in engine systems, and the use of lead in solders used in certain combustion engines. these directives will enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. (i.e. november 25, 2019)

in annex iii to directive 2011/65/eu, the following entry 43 is added:

in annex iii to directive 2011/65/eu, thefollowing entry 44 is added:

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