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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2010-09-15 tits: 9305 times
the etuc and emcef are launching an extensive information campaign aimed at companies that market or use chemicals. they are confident that the successful implementation of these new laws will not only help enhance the competitiveness of the european chemical industry, but also deliver better protection for workers, consumers and the environment.
reach says that industrial operators must register any chemicals they manufacture or import in quantities above one tonne a year with the new european chemicals agency (echa). the clp (classification, labelling), and packaging) regulation says they have to notify echa of the classification and labelling of all hazardous substances they place on the market, no matter what the production volume.
however, too many firms in the eu, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (smes), still are not aware of these obligations, and could end up being fined or having some of their production lines stopped by the national enforcement authorities if they do not fulfil them on time. the first deadlines – 30 november 2010 and 3 january 2011– are rapidly closing in. so etuc and emcef are looking to all their member organizations in europe to pass on to employers an information leaflet prepared in collaboration with the european chemicals agency (echa) and the european agency for safety and health at work, who are both supporting the campaign.
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