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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2019-09-24 tits: 1630 times

china toys expo (cte),  is the largest trade fair for toys and educational products in asia, and the no. 1 gateway for international companies to explore chinese market.

ctt will take this chance to have a full display of its professional testing capabilities, especially for toys and children products, but also to provide professional services to exhibitors and visitors.

we are looking forward to your coming!


oct 16th-18th 2019


shanghai new international expo centre

(2345 longyang road, pudong district, shanghai)


dolls & stuffed toyssmart-tech toyswooden & bamnoo toyselectronic & rc toys
outdoor & sporting itemshobby & modelseducational toys & gamesfestival & party items
pet toysbaby & infant toysride-on products


ctt servicesconsumer product testingfood & healthcare product testingenvironment testingtraining and consultation
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