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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2019-09-18 tits: 830 times

recently, the german institute for occupational safety and health (baua) released a new version of afps gs 2019:01 pak. compared with the old version of 2014, the number of pahs has been reduced from 18 to 15, and the categories have been revised. the old version is available until 30 june, 2020, and the new version will be officially implemented on 1 july, 2020.

the main revisions are as follows:

1.the substances acenaphthene(cas no.83-32-9), fluorene(cas no.86-73-7), acenaphthylene(cas no.208-96-8) will no longer be included in the evaluation due to their low toxicological relevance.

2. revising the categories.

new table with pahs contents according to afps gs 2019:01 pak.

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