on april 2019, the european committee for standardization (cen) publisheda new version of european standard en 71-3:2019, safety of toys - part 3: migration of certain elements. it will be given the status of a national standard and the conflicting national standards will be withdrawn on 2019-10-31 at the latest. this standard is expected to be harmonized under the toys safety directive 2009/48/ec when accepted by the european commission (ec) and published in the official journal of the european union (ojeu).
compared with the 2018 version, the main revisions of this version are as follows:
1. revising the chromium (vi) limit for class iii materials from 0.2 mg/kg to 0.053 mg/kg, and the new limit applies from 2019-11-18.
2. for coated samples, the requirements for screening were removed and the relevant screen requirements (pre-appendix c) were also removed. the wax removal procedure was changed from n-heptane extraction for 6 h to isooctane extraction for 60 min.
3. revising the adjustment process for ph in the migration procedure. for samples with a buffer system, four ph adjustments are required to increase the ph control step after migration.
4. revising the test method for chromium (vi). the test methods for chromium (iii) and chromium (vi) were changed from lc-icp-ms to ic-icp-ms. the revised method canal ready contain limits for all types of materials.
5. revising the test method for organotin in appendix g. the amount of organotin changed from 10 to 11 with dmt added in table g.1.
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