recently, the ministry of health and family welfare of indian issued the drugs and cosmetics (4th amendment) rules, 2010, g.s.r. 426 (e). the rules amended the import of cosmetics of the drugs and cosmetics rules, 1945 part xiii rule 129, and will come into force with effect from april. 1.2011.
the new rules proposed new requirements of quality, safety, registration and labeling and packing on cosmetics:
1. the imported cosmetics are required to comply with the specifications prescribed under schedule s and schedule q or any other standards of quality and safety;
2. the imported cosmetics are required to registered under the rules by the licensing authority appointed by the central government. the registration can be made by the manufacturer himself or by his authorised agent or importer in india or by the subsidiary in india authorised by the manufacturer;
3. the imported cosmetics are required to meet the rules in parts xv. further the label of imported cosmetics shall bear registration certificate number of the product and the name and address of the registration certificate holder;
4. no cosmetic, the manufacture, sale or distribution of which is prohibited in the county of origin, shall be imported under the same name or under any other name except for the purpose of examination, test or analysis.