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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2019-02-16 tits: 1483 times

5 february 2019, the official journal of european union releases ten directives (eu)2019/169~(eu)2019/178, amending the exemption for lead and cadmium in the annex iii of eu rohs directives.

the detail of the amending is as follows:

exemptionof rohs

there are some products that meet the definition of rohs directive, but they can't avoid their excessive use of hazardous substances due to the reason that the existing technical means cannot find more appropriate substitutes or their substitutes are so expensive that they do not meet the demands of current social and economic benefit. in regard to these specific purposes, rohs directive grants exemptions in annex iii and annex iv, stipulating that if the product meets several certain rules, it can be launched on the eu market even if their material does not meet the limitation of quantity under rohs directive.

ctt can provide professional testing services of rohs directive. to ensure the compliance of your products in advance, welcome to consult.

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