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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2010-08-23 tits: 9085 times
the product safety enforcement forum of europe (prosafe) is a non-profit organization established by market surveillance officers of the eu members with an aim to promote communication and exchange of information. since 2006, prosafe has actively taken actions to harmonize the joint actions of law enforcement agency of the eu members.
recently, the prosafe actions which are ongoing or in contemplating are as follows:
1. walkers
the joint action will pay specially attention to the stability of walkers. the applicable standard is en 1273:2005, which makes a specific regulation to protect the walker carrying a baby from turning over or falling down from the upstairs. the walker requires the appropriate warning and illustration.
2. electrical products for children
the aim of the action is to establish a document on the factors catering to the children's character and on the effect the disposal or use of these products may have to children. the example of the electrical products catering to children will be recorded to the document.
3. safety helmet
prosafe will take joint actions to the following safety helmets:
●alpine skiers helmets (applicable standard: en 1273:2005)
●bicycle helmets, skateboard helmets, and ice-skating special protective cap (applicable standard: en 1078:1997 and en 1078/a1:2005)
●riding helmet (applicable standard: en 1384:1996 and en 14572:2005)
●children's helmet (applicable standard: en 1080:2005)
4. lighters
the organization has passed a track plan in order to reduce the number of the hazardous lighters flowing to euro-market.
5. sun beds
the joint action of sun beds initiated by prosafe is a track plan to the previous projects with the main purpose to ensure the safety of those brand-new sun beds and those being in use, and to ensure containing instructions on safety use.
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