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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2018-08-21 tits: 1536 times

on august 10, 2018, the european union (eu) published commission communication 2018/c 282/02 to announce the latest list of toy safety standards for presumption of conformity with directive 2009/48/ec (toy safety directive, tsd). this list contains, five new en 71 standards and an important amendment to en 71-7:2014 a2:2018 which strengthens the concentration of climbazole allowed in finger paints.

note 1:for lead, the migration limit values are as follows as of 28 october 2018: 2.0mg/kg in dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable toy material; 0.5mg/kg in liquid or sticky toy material; 23mg/kg in scraped-off toy material. see directive (eu) 2017/738 (oj l 110, 27.4.2017,p.6).

note 2:for chromium (vi), the migration limit values are as follows as of 18 november 2019: 0.02mg/kg in dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable toy material; 0.005mg/kg in liquid or sticky toy material; 0.053mg/kg in scraped-off toy material. see directive (eu) 2018/725 (oj l 122, 17.5.2018,p.29).

note 1: for the allowed preservative climbazole (entry22 in table b.1 of annex b to standard en 71-7:2014 a2:2018) the presumption of conformity applies up to a maximum allowed concentration of 0.2 % (not: 0.5 %). this is based on the ‘addendum to the opinion on climbazole (p64) ref. sccs/1506/13' of the scientific committee on consumer safety (sccs) that was adopted after the publication of the standard by cen.

note 2: the allowed preservatives a) mixture of 5-chloro-2-methylisothiazol-3(2h)-one and 2-methylisothiazol-3(2h)-one with magnesium chloride and magnesium nitrate and b) 2-methylisothiazol-3(2h)-one (mit) (entries 31 and 32 in the superseded standard en 71-7:2014) have been restricted to a) 1mg/kg (content limit) and b) 0.25mg/kg (content limit) in aqueous toy materials by directive (eu) 2015/2117(oj l 306, 24.11.2015, p. 23). both content limits are applicable since 24 november 2017. the superseded standard therefore does not any more provide the presumption of conformity for these two preservatives.

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