recently, the european parliament and the council amended directive 98/8/ec, incorporating dazomet as an active substance into annex i, and rule the following special provisions for its authorization:
● when assessing the application for authorisation of a product in accordance with article 5 and annex vi, member states shall assess, when relevant for the particular product, those uses or exposure scenarios and those risks to compartments and populations that have not been representatively addressed in the eu level risk assessment. in particular, where relevant, member states shall assess any other use than professional use outdoors for the remedial treatment of wooden poles by insertion of granules.
● member states shall ensure that authorisations are subject to the following condition:
products authorised for industrial and/or professional use shall be used with appropriate personal protective equipment, unless it can be demonstrated in the application for product authorisation that risks to industrial and/or professional users can be reduced to an acceptable level by others means.