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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2010-08-12 tits: 9089 times
the toxicity of bisphenol a (bpa) has repeatedly been subject to controversial scientific debate over the past years. though the europe countries have legislated to control bpa in infant thermoplastic water filter, the study of bpa's toxicity has always been underway, with the main focus on bpa's effect on hormine and human health.
on jul-30, the federal institute for risk assessment (bfr) released the results of the study by ryan et al. (2010) which complements the study by stump et al. the main purpose of stump et al and ryan et al's study is to find out any uncertain factors that effect the low dosages of bpa exposing the potential hazard to human. the results of the two studies do not substantiate the concerns for a specific toxic potential of bisphenol a adverse to neurological and behavioural development, furthermore, dietary administration of bisphenol a did not reveal indications for so-called "ow-dose effects". the investigation of es-trogen-sensitive endpoints, a pivotal issue in the current scientific debate indicated that no adverse effects in the low-dose range on behavior and the development of female rat and offspring whose dams were treated with bisphenol a during gestation and lactation.
bfr think highly of the research result, which is a complementary study on the basis of the previous bpa neurotoxicity study.
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