on april 19, 2018, the official journal of the european union issued directives 2018/588 and 2018/589, adding new regulations for methanol and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (nmp) . up till now, the reach annex 17 controlled substances have reached 71 items.
in annex xvii to regulation (ec) no 1907/2006, the following new entry is added:
this revision will take effect 20 days after the publication of the oj communiqué (may 9, 2018).
ctt tips
methanol is an important organic raw material and solvent. it is also used as a solvent for paints, varnishes, dyes, and nitrocellulose. it is also used in automobile antifreeze and metal surface cleaners.
nmp is often used as a cleaning agent, dye assistant, dispersant, and can also be used as amedium for polymerization reactions. it can be used in the manufacture of engineering plastics and aramid fibers, and can also be used in pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and detergents.