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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2017-12-01 tits: 3816 times

on november 21, 2017, promulgated by the european union official journal(eu) directive, 2017/2102 of the european union rohs directive 2011/65 / eurevisions, major changes using conditions of parts and components of electronicappliances and recycling and annex iii exemption list of limitation period, thedirective since take effect on december 11, 2017.

directive 2011/65 / eu amemded asfollows:

articlethe ordinaryamended as follows:
article 2paragraph 2

in does not affect the article 4 (3) and (4) ofarticle 4 of the cases, member states shall stipulate,directive 2011/65/eu allows eee that fell outside the scope of theprevious directive 2002/95/ec of the european parliament and of thecouncil, but which would notcomply with directive 2011/65/eu, to continue to be made available on themarket until 22 july 2019.

article 2 paragraph 4
addedkpipe organs.
article 3, point (28)

non-road mobile machinery made available exclusivelyfor professional use” means machinery, with an on-board power source ,theoperation of which requires either mobility or continuous or semi-continuousmovement between a succession of fixed working locations while working, andwhich is made available exclusively for professional use.

non-road mobile machinery made available exclusively for professional use” means machinery, with an on-board power source or with a traction drive powered by an external power source, the operation of which requires either mobility or continuous or semi-continuous movement between a succession of fixed working locations while working, and which is made available exclusively for professional use.
article 4 paragraph 3
paragraph 1 shall apply to medical devices and monitoring and control instruments which are placed on the market from 22 july 2014, to in vitro diagnostic medical devices which are placed on the market from 22 july 2016, to industrial monitoring and control instruments which are placed on the market from 22 july 2017.paragraph 1 shall apply to medical devices and monitoring and control instruments which are placed on the market from 22 july 2014, to in vitro diagnostic medical devices which are placed on the market from 22 july 2016, to industrial monitoring and control instruments which are placed on the market from 22 july 2017, and to all other eee that was outside the scope of directive 2002/95/ec and which is placed on the market from 22 july 2019.
article 4 paragraph 4paragraph (e)
inserted:(ea)all other eee that was outside the scope of directive 2002/95/ec and which is placed on the market before 22 july 2019
article 4 paragraph 5provided that reuse takes place in auditable closed-loop business-to-business return systems, and that the reuse of spare parts is notified to the consumer,paragraph 1 shall not apply to reused spare parts which  recovered from eee placed on the market before 1 july 2006 and used in eee placed on the market before 1 july 2016

provided that reuse takes place in auditable closed-loop business-to-business return systems, and that the reuse of spare parts is notified to the consumer, paragraph 1 shall not apply to reused spare parts:
(a)    recovered from eee placed on the market before 1 july 2006 and used in eee placed on the market before 1 july 2016;

(b)    recovered from medical devices or monitoring and control instruments placed on the market before 22 july 2014 and used in eee placed on the market before 22 july 2024;

(c)    recovered from in vitro diagnostic medical devices placedonthemarketbefore 22 july 2016 and used in eee placed on the market before 22 july 2026;

(d)    recovered from industrial monitoring and control instruments placed on the market before 22 july 2017 and used in eee placed on the market before 22 july 2027;

(e)    recovered from all other eee that was outside the scope of directive 2002/95/ec and which is placed on the market before 22 july 2019, and used in eee placed on the market before 22 july 2029.’

article 5 paragraph 2paragraph 2
for the exemptions listed in annex iii as at 21 july 2011, for categories 1 to 7 and category 10 of annex i, 5 years from 21 july 2011,the maximum validity period of for categories 8 and 9, unless a shorter period is specified,7 years from the relevant dates laid down in article 4(3);

for the exemptions listed in annex iii as at 21 july 2011, unless a shorter period is specified, the maximum validity period, which may be renewed, shall be:
(a)    for categories 1 to 7 and category 10 of annex i, 5 years from 21 july 2011;

(b)    for categories 8 and 9 of annex i, 7 years from the relevant dates laid down in article 4(3); and

(c)    for category 11 of annex i, 5 years from 22 july 2019.

article 5 paragraph 4

after  paragraph(b)
(ba)    within 1 month of receipt of an application, provide to the applicant, the member states and the european parliament a timeline for the adoption of its decision on the application;’

article 5 paragraph 5
unless there is a special case with other deadlines, otherwise the committee must be in the existing six months prior to the expiration of the valid period of exemption, decide whether to apply for renewal of the exemption. deleted.

member shall before june 12, 2019 by and published in accordance with thisdirective required laws, regulations and administrative provisions, billimmediately turned over to the committee. when member states to adopt therules, should with reference to our instructions or published in the officialattach such instructions. members shall be notified to the committee the withinthe territory covered by this instruction by the domestic law of the text ofthe main clause.

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