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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2017-10-26 tits: 5311 times

on october 18, 2017, the u.s. consumer product safety commission (cpsc) voted to issue a final rule to restrict a total of 8 phthalates in children's toys and child care articles with limit of 0.1%. this final rule will become effective 180 days after publication in the federal register.

once this final rule comes into force, toys and child care articles in the u.s. market must conform to 8 phthalates (dehp, dbp and bbp, dinp, dibp, dchp, dpenp, dhexp) with each limit of 0.1% (1000 mg/kg). specifically, the final rule:

1. adds five phthalates (dinp,dibp,dchp,dpenp,dhexp) to permanent restriction in children's toys and child care articles, cause harmful effects on male reproductive development.

2. moves interim restriction of dinp in children’s toys that can be placed in a child’s mouth and child care articles to permanent restriction in children's toys and child care articles.

3. deletes interim restriction of dnop and didp, cpsc has determined that these phthalates do not cause adverse effects on male reproductive development, and other risks at tendant to their use are low.



limit  (each substance)

phthalates requirementsin current cpsia

children's toy or child care article

permanent ban:

dehp, dbp, or bbp


toys that can be placed in a child's mouth or  child care article

interim ban:

dinp, didp or dnop


phthalates requirements in the final rule

children's toy or child care article

permanent ban:

dehp, dbp, bbp, dinp, dibp,

dpenp, dhexp or dchp


in addition, for companies intending to comply with cpsc ca 65 california bill ab 1108 phthalates requirement, the combined includes 10 phthalates as follow should be tested:

lcpsc new rule (8p): dehp, dbp, bbp, dinp, dibp, dpenp, dhexp, dchp

lca 65 (5p): dehp, dbp, bbp, didp, dnhp(same as dhexp)

lab 1108 (6p): dehp, dbp, bbp, dinp, dnop, didp

lcpsc new rule ca65 ab 1108 (10p): dbp, bbp, dehp, dinp, dibp, dchp, dpenp, dhexp, didp, dnop

ctt as a 3rd-part lab accredited by cpsc, we can provide testing services of cpsia, astm f963 etc, welcome to consult.

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