ctt held tscp forum about toys safety certification plan on june 16th , 2009. the main subject of this forum is tscp (toys safety certification program) pushed cooperatively by tia & ansi. at present, ansi & tia are negotiating closely with consumer products safety committee (cpsc). this plan will be the mandatory standard of the toys market in america in the future, at least an acknowledged standard in this industry. it will affect many toy companies in dongguan in entery of american market.
in aug 2007, tia, as a member of ansi, invited ansi to participate in developing toy safety certification program (tscp). this document was published in feb 2008, and feedbacks collected during feb. 22nd and mar. 24th . the revised draft was published on may 2nd , 2008.
the aim of tscp is to establish a sound system to improve toys safety and public confidence to this safety. this procedure ensures toys in american market can meet the use and acceptance safety standard by the america government and market on both production and design.toys imported companies and domestic manufactures must meet the basic requirements of this procedure:
1. design & hazard analysis
2. process control
3. test to confirm the toys can meet america safety standard. the above three will be qualified and audited by accredited institution. products or packages will be marked with toys safety label after completion of the suitable requirement.this label is controlled by accredited institutions that are qualified by ansi. this mark is helpful for the consumers, tradesman, government institution and other parties to believe toys with this label can meet suitable america regulations and pubic safety standards. the use of this label will be monitored strictly with a website being built to allow the public to investigate and verify the qualified toys.
ctt has always keen on american correlative certification procedures, and builds communication with satraps actively. in this forum, ctt invited two specialists of tia to introduce procedures and requirements of tscp. meanwhile, they listened to the feedback from local companies and interacted with them. during the forum, tia gave a brief introduction of the progress of this program, and had a q&a activity with local factories on procedure, price and so on.
ctt acted as a bridge through successfully holding this forum. not only helped tia give attention to local company's idea and suggestions when making detail rules of project, it but also helped local companies know the update of tscp in time. on this ground, they can prepare themselves to face the coming regulation and strengthen their competition in home and abroad.